Plastic treaty talks draw to a close with production limits still under debate
Every year, the world produces more than 400 million tons of new plastic. Plastic production could climb about 70% by 2040 without policy changes.
Every year, the world produces more than 400 million tons of new plastic. Plastic production could climb about 70% by 2040 without policy changes.
Activists scaled ship’s mast, painted ‘PLASTIC KILLS’ on the side of the vessel, and set up tents to sustain their protest
Countries fail to agree on a target to cut plastic pollution and ban harmful chemicals as summit delayed to next year
Delegates from close to 200 countries huddled for a week of marathon negotiations but came up short on delivering a treaty.
Plastic pollutes oceans, food, your body. Yet nations are divided over a global treaty. Why all eyes are on talks for a U.N.-led accord to cut plastic waste.
Plastic pollution is no longer just an environmental issue – it is a health crisis and a significant driver of the climate crisis
To cut plastic pollution, simply cut plastic production — so many argue. Big fossil fuel producers beg to differ
Talks began in Busan, South Korea, on Monday aiming to clinch a legally binding deal on plastics pollution, led by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).
Environmentalists say presence of lobbyists at negotiations ‘is like letting foxes guard the henhouse’